Adding a new instrument I've created in Halion

Using the sampler part of Halion, I’ve created a percussion sound which I’ve labeled “Frog Percussion.” In the Play dialog I can pull up the Halion interface and select that sound and it plays when I click on the Halion onscreen keyboard.
But I’m lost as to how I assign that sound to a Player – I had thought from things I’ve read (but can’t seem to find now because I can’t seem to enter the correct terms for the search of this forum) that in the Play Mode we can change the sounds for any of the staves which will override the sounds assigned when we set that player up.
And I seem to recall that we can use different playback libraries for different staves if we wish, the way we can assign a different playback library for each track in Cubase. But for the life of me I can’t figure out how to do that in Dorico.
Thank you for any help you can offer – I’m sure the answer’s already in the forum somewhere but I can’t find it.

You would use the Play mode Track Inspector… Routing section to point the instrument (held by your player) to the VST slot holding your sound…

(Oh, and if you need a particular expression map to get (eg.) dynamics to work assign one there)

Thank you – I’m still floundering in the whole VST playback world and I hadn’t noticed that Track Inspector label to click on. Actually I had noticed it but had failed to do what I usually do – click on various things to see what they do.
I’ve got things working like I want now, thank you very much, and have learned a lot about using different VSTs. A great way to start the new year – learning something new!