Adding Bluetooth MIDI controller


I just recently opened the box of my newly ordered Bluetooth MIDI 4btn Foot Controller, bought especially to use with VSTLive. Opening VSTLive willing to add new device to MIDI I/O’s.
Can’t see it appearing

After Googling, there was a quick video, showing how to add a Korg BT MIDI controller to Cubase. The key was, "Use Device “WinRT MIDI” needs to be ticked. As soon as clicking to it, the new BT MIDI Ctrl appeared and started working with Cubase.

Could you please

  • help me, what I’m doing wrong, or if not avaiable yet,
  • program it to VSTLive letting it see and use my newly bought FootCtrl?


VST Live does not support the WinRT API.
But you should be able to get it to work with the Korg driver. See here.

Hi @musicullum! Oh, I see :frowning:
I will try to figure out then what to do now (it’s not a Korg one, it’s a 4 btn foot ctrl, I bought to use it for play, next, mute, whatever),
Do you think BT MIDI (WinRT API?) will be added later?


Found this…but you may have to find out more, can’t help at the time beeing.

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Is WinRT MIDI support on the roadmap? Cubase 12, Nuendo 12 and Dorico 4 all support WinRT MIDI.