additional features for "bounce"

I’ve been doing a lot of Pro tools work lately and there is a handful of things I find really useful. One of which is the “save regions as files” feature.

I would like it if Nuendo’s Bounce feature had a save file to: box in the dialog pop up. It would always defualt to the projects audio folder but if I need to I can save the stuff elsewhere.

This in no way replaces the whole cycle marker system which I find even more useful, the naming conventions in particular… but there are situations where setting all that up and naming etc can be time consuming.

Shift+B - bouce… dialog says, replace files in timeline? (or whatever it is) with an OK button and a save to new location button that opens a new dialog.

Select all the regions in the pool, right click and choose Bounce.
They will all be bounced to a folder of your choise.



didn’t even think of that thanks Fredo

Hey Fredo,

I can’t find “bounce” when I follow your instruction…

I’m clicking the region I want to save in the edit window and “finding in pool”

right clicking on it in the pool and I don’t see “bounce”

what do I do?


you have to select the regions you have defined in your audiofiles for that to work. it doesn’t work for regions in timeline.

  1. select the regions under the files in pool (expand them under that + sign)
  2. click audio->bounce selection
    a folder window opens and that’s it, you save them automatically with the names you gave

I’m not trying to do it from the timeline.

It’s not working here.

On my side I’m selecting the region I want on the time line and rightclicking, then selecting “find in pool”

the pool opens up and my selection is highlighted.

Right clicking my selection in the pool does not give me a 'bounce" options. And on the file menu, Audio/Bounce selection is greyed out. At the bottom of the right click menu there is an Audio selection but when I hover over it it only give me Spectrum Analyzer, Statistics and Offline process history

Ultimately my goal is to recreate the protools feature so I can do it from the timeline using macros but I just can find this bounce to folder of my choice thing you guys are talking about

I think there is confusion about the term “regions”.
