after creating a system break and a frame break, the created break is not selected. why?

Dear Doricorians,

After creating a system break and a frame break, the created break is not selected.
Is there a reason?
When I create a dynamic marking with a dynamic popover, the created marking is selected, and the properties panel displays all properties of the item.

When I create a break (system and frame), the created marking is not selected, but the item I selected to create a break is still selected. Thus, I must select the created break by mouse pointer to display its properties on the properties panel.

Is there a way that I can see the properties of created break automatically on the properties panel?

Please let me know if I misunderstand the workflow of the breaks.

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This could actually be a nice improvement — I’m thinking of those times when you want to create frames breaks and then invoke some properties (wait for next… or change space size or staff labelling).

The short answer is that breaks are unusual in that they’re typically created in Engrave mode and they are always created globally rather than associated to a particular instrument, so they are not handled by the generic bits of code that are responsible fro selecting the created item, but I agree this would be useful and I’ve made a note of it.

+1 from me too.

Thank you very much!