Cubase 12.0.40 Build 317
Bfd Drums v3.4.3 build 7 64-bit (installed as plugin)
Roland TD-50
I have a setup where we rehearse a song live in headphones with acoustic guitar, bass and electronic drums. Bass is direct, acoustic is processed through an Axe-fx III and the drums are connected via usb and trigger BFD. Everything in this scenario works perfectly. These performances get recorded.
However, when playing back (not during the live performance), I have an issue with the crash cymbals. Usually, but not 100% of the time, the crash cymbal is getting choked. Following is a MIDI log from BFD.
Note that the first yellow highlighted group, is NOT from playback, but rather from a single strike on the crash. As expected, there is an aftertouch event, which would stop any previous cymbal on that key before the sample is played again from the beginning. That works just fine. Also note in the second image, that BFD is configured to ‘choke on aftertouch’. This allows the drummer to choke the cymbal manually if desired, so turning it off is not really a desirable solution (the sound does go unchoked if this is unchecked).
Now note the second highlighted group. These are the events received by BFD when cubase plays back the same midi event. Now the aftertouch comes immediately after the note on, consequently choking the cymbal sound.
Below is a capture of the MIDI list in Cubase. As can be seen, the aftertouch (poly pressure) follows the note on, explaining why BFD reports the events in the order that it does.
As mentioned earlier, this does not occur 100% of the time. Following are the MIDI events on an occasion where the data is correct and the cymbal triggers and plays as I would expect. The aftertouch is first, followed by the note on,
So what I am seeking here, is a confirmation that what I am seeing is a bug, or an explanation of what I am missing or do not understand. The rough work around for the moment is to uncheck ‘choke on aftertouch’, at the expense to the drummer, disallowing him to manually choke.
If we are dealing with a bug, can somebody tell me how I push this upstream to the developers so they can review. I have never had occasion to do that.
Any input is sincerely appreciated.