AGain::setBusArrangements I/O setup?


I was trying to build sample plugins, but I saw something unexpected in line 414 of again.cpp

getAudioInput (0)->setArrangement (inputs[0]);
getAudioInput (0)->setName (STR16 ("Mono In"));
getAudioOutput (0)->setArrangement (inputs[0]);
getAudioOutput (0)->setName (STR16 ("Mono Out"));


getAudioInput (0)->setArrangement (inputs[0]);
getAudioInput (0)->setName (STR16 ("Stereo In"));
getAudioOutput (0)->setArrangement (outputs[0]);
getAudioOutput (0)->setName (STR16 ("Stereo Out"));

The Mono setup has

getAudioOutput (0)->setArrangement (inputs[0]);

while Stereo setup has

getAudioOutput (0)->setArrangement (outputs[0]);

Why these two are different?

In this case mono, the input[0] and the output[0] have only 1 channel… which should make no difference, but you´re right the correct code should be:

getAudioOutput (0)->setArrangement (outputs[0]);

This will be fixed in next update of the VST SDK… Thanks

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