Akai MidiMix profile for Cubase (controlling multiple dub reggae effects, live)

Hi - are you or anybody else able to share their Akai MidiMix profile for Cubase?

I would like to perform live ‘dub’ (reggae) edits as I loop tracks, activating and deactivating effects such as echoes and filters in traditional style.

Or is there perhaps a youtube video for how best to do this with Cubase with this specific device?

Many thanks!

Ahh - probably this is solved.

I found some links on the internet (will try them this weekend). They look like they use a ‘Generic Remote’ which I believe is an older method. Should these methods be update to use Cubase’s ‘MIDI Remote Scripts’ these days?

If there are any other Cubase + Midimix + Dub fans on here, I’d love to hear your experiences / knowledge

Anyway, just in case it helps anyone else who is looking to do similar, here are the links for setup info (YMMV):