Hey there,
another question that might be silly for some of you lol.
I’ve bought the akai Midimix controller. Now I’d wish to use with Cubase 13 in order to have much better feeling when using the mixer rather than using the mouse/sliders on pc.
I managed to create the controller midi mapping via MIDI remote option, clicking the big + button and then start creating the akai midimix mapping as per below image.
so, now, when I open the first 8 bus audio channels, I can control them both on Cubase or via midimix controller (a.k.a. I can see the sliders/knobs reacting when I press them on the controller).
Problem is when I open a VST channel, say for example on bus channel 3. It simply doesn’t react if I am pulling up/down the volume fader, for example.
I’m sure I am missing some technical things here which I might not be aware of?
How can I be able to control the volume of the VST channel like with the Audio one? Anyone who maybe might have experienced the same issues?
It seems, you assigned the controllers to the Mixer functions, not to the Instrument or Track/Focus Quick Controls functions. Therefore your hardware is controlling the Mixer functions.
You can create another page, which will control Track/Focus Quick Controls. Then you have flexibility to control even the plug-ins parameter.
If you create a new page, it’s handy to assign 2 buttons to switch the Pages too. They will not switch automatically.
thanks for getting back, think I got what you mean, will try do so asap.
One additional thing: as you can see from 1st and 3rd picture I’ve created 8 channels. If I want to control, say randomly, 32 bus channels, I will need to ‘expand’ the drawing right-wards and then creating more buttons/faders/knobs and assign them in the same exact way I did with the first 8 ones, am I right?
then I’ll assign a specific button script to switch between 1-8, 9-16, 16-25 etc etc, right?
I assume these changes, once done, will be applied forever with all new projects I’ll start up.
Not really. This is something, we call Mixer Banks. Now, your bank has 8 channels. You can assign a button to switch to the next bank 9-15 and then to the next one 16-23, etc. and of course another button to switch the banks left.
Luckily, MIDI Remote follows the selection in Cubase. So if you select any track in Cubase, the bank switches automatically on the hardware and you can control the tracks via your hardware.
Managed to understand how it all works now, adding now the ‘group’ pages as you said, and changing from Project to Global so (I assume) it would save these settings with any next project I’ll be working with, it’s bit lengthy procedure tbh but luckily it should be a one-off thing to do.
I’ve managed to create the switch buttons too, will test everything once I’ve created all single map channels and come back to you with a final feedback.