Album Wizard question


I have a question regarding using Album Wizard when replacing/renaming clips/files.

When using Album Wizard and only Start/End-markers all CD Text and CD metadata is kept intact.
But when using Album Wizard with Splice Markers all CD Text and CD Metadata track data (except Title/Track 1) is removed and must be re-generated/re-entered.

Why is that?
And why is Track 1 intact but not the rest?
Would it be possible to keep CD Text and CD Metadata intact also when using Splice Markers?

The obvious solution now is to not generate Title Markers when replacing/renaming clips/files but it would be good (I think) if it worked more or less the same in both scenarios.


CD Text and CD metadata is internally bound to markers. If you recreate them, you loose the old data.

The obvious solution now is to not generate Title Markers when replacing/renaming clips/files

You name it.

Hi PG!

Thanks for the reply… and just a follow up question.

But why the difference between using only Start/End- or Splice markers?

If I re-run CD Wizard with Start/End markers the data is intact but not when I re-run CD Wizard with Splice markers.

Is there a difference between the two scenarios if markers are recreated or not, e.g. Splice markers are always recreated but not Start/End if position is the same?
