Align Lirics

В большинстве хоровых партитур 4 голоса размещены на двух нотоносцах, а лирика, которая одинакова для всех голосов располагается по центру между двумя нотоносцами системы. В Dorico я не нашел инструмента автоматической центровки лирики по вертикали между двумя нотоносцами системы.
Можно ли реализовать такую опцию?
Без неё проблематично расположить лирику по центру ,так как расстояние между нотоносцами не всегда одинаковые, а положение лирики по вертикали можно выставить для всего произведения одинаковое. В результате выглядят такие хоровые партитуры не очень красиво.


In most choral scores, four voices are placed on two nootonos, and the lyrics, which are the same for all the voices, are centered between the two notons of the system. In Dorico, I did not find a tool for automatically centering the lyrics vertically between the two notons of the system.
Is it possible to implement such an option?
Without it, it is problematic to arrange the lyrics in the center, since the distance between the Nototonians is not always the same, and the position of the lyrics on the vertical can be set for the entire work the same. As a result, such choral scores are not very beautiful.

No, there is not currently a good solution for this. It’s a need for me too. Daniel has said this is very much in the plans for the near future.

I don’t think I specified near future, and it won’t be included in the next update (which is about as far ahead as we actively plan in detail), but it is certainly planned for the future.

Quite so. Didn’t mean to imply a specific timetable. Thanks!