All notes same color in editor

I see some discussion around this but no solution. I simply want to be able to see multiple tracks at a time in the midi editor so I can edit timings as needed. But there is no way to distinguish which notes belong to which track that I can tell. Surely, there is a way to set the color of all notes from different tracks for this purpose? I know how to color the tracks in the track view as well as change the event colors in the midi editor. I simply want all notes for each track to be a color unique to that track. Can I?

You didn’t say what version you’re on, but this is the setting you’re looking for in Cubase 12.

Ah, thank you. I knew there must be a way. “Part” threw me as that’s not a term I use. “Track” would make a lot more sense to me. Again, thank you.

A part is a container on the project pane that houses events. A midi part houses midi events and an audio part audio events.
It would be nice to come to terms with that term, Cubase is the OG in the music business to introduce this concept for midi (which everybody else copied) and therefore “part” is the original term for such a container. Everybody else is naming them wrongly. :grin:

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With the “Part” setting I posted above, the MIDI Events get their color from the Part, not the Track.

Good to know, but that didn’t make it to Cakewalk which I have used for decades. They are just tracks there.

You can assign different colours to several parts on the same track (verse, chorus, &tc). So Cubase’s way makes more sense.

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