Usually not a problem, but apparently within Cubase my UA NATIVE plugs wont work because they can’t hand shake with UA via the internet. That bugs me to no end. It had been working perfectly normal up until 2 weeks ago. Yes I have it allowed in my firewall, took down the firewall, all other internet apps and browsers work just fine. There are no updates for 11. I rolled back the last few Windows 10 updates and rebooted my router. I’m loathe to have to uninstall Cubase at this point after it has been rock solid for me for 4 years. Any ideas-thanks.
Hi and welcome to the forum!
I don’t think that this problem is caused on Cubase’s end.
Have you installed the latest UA version on your system? There were a number of updates lately if I recall correctly.
Hi and welcome to the forum,
First, make sure, UA plug-ins work as stand-alone (or in the UA console).
Yes, did UA Connect yesterday as well.-thanks !
Yes, and again, they have worked right up until a few days ago.
But they are not working, now, right? Then search the issue on the UA side. Probably UA support or UA forum is better for this.