Alla Breve writing style in Dorico

Hello dear fellow Doricians,
I need some help about writing in Alla Breve style in Dorico (as shown on the picture bellow):

I’m aware that I can create hidden time signature and add times in Bars.
I’m wondering if there is a more consistent way that will make automatically all bars in Alla Breve style, without using hidden time signatures, or adding time bar, by bar? :slight_smile:

Thank you very much! :slight_smile:

Best wishes,
Thurisaz :slight_smile:

Would using a 4/2 time signature rather than a 2/1 time signature be acceptable? If so, you should be able to change the appearance of that time signature directly in Properties without requiring an extra time signature after the first bar.

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Hi Daniel,
Thank you very much for the assistance! :slight_smile:

Best regards,
Thurisaz :slight_smile: