ALT + SHIFT + Space does not Playback

Hello to all,

Working on the newest pro, and ALT + SHIFT + Space does not playback from start of flow, instead it activates the scrub button. Everything has been reset to factory in Preferences and app has been rebooted, same result. Thanks in advance to anyone who contributes.

Welcome to the forum @Ik-hui!

Have you checked what key command is assigned to that function?

@Ik-hui On my computer, even though alt+shift+space is the key command for playback from start of flow, it does not work but shift+space does. If that doesn’t work for you, you might have to resort to Select None (cmd+D on a Mac, probably ctrl+D on Windows), followed by num . (the period key on the numeric keypad, then P.

I use Shift as well but assumed I had just changed it myself

Hi @DanielMuzMurray , I’ve attached a screenshot that shows both the “Play” dropdown menu and the Preferences dialog.

Hi @StevenJones01 , Shift+Space will “Play From Last Start Position” on my end as prescribed officially in the manual. Funny how we have the same issue but don’t share the same solution.