always on top for the pool window please

I want the pool window to float or have “Always on Top” as an option please.

If there is a way to do this please advise.






Did this ever happen? I would love to see this implemented.

For any smaller window, it would be nice to have that option. Like a “pin” button along the top.

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Another example to add to the list of quality of life features Studio One has implemented that Cubendo hasn’t :neutral_face:


Is an always on top option for the pool window possible? Would it break Nuendo if it was implemented?

This is a useful feature, it’s a pain having to hunt for it when there are a few plugin’s etc open


I’d like to have the option to have the Pool as a Tab in the lower section too


I thought this might have been done in N13. Not having this seems like a fundamental mistake that has never been addressed. The pool is such an important utility and having to search for it under other windows is crazy.

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Whereas Dorico’s updates focus on improving its basic functions (which is why it exists in the first place), and on the intelligent workflow it enables, Cubendo doesn’t work on this and doesn’t listen much to requests. The only interesting thing in this respect is the interval tools in midi, followed by multitrack editing in the same midi. Otherwise, nothing has been done among the many user requests. Or I don’t see it.

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Plus 1

This still needs to be done please.

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Nice Idea.

Also, if or when the Project Browser returns, have always on top for that as well so that you can quickly navigate to the selected track.

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