Two days ago I posted the post I have attached at the end. There were some helpful responses - after which I decided to pause my frustration and criticism and check through my system. I have spent the past two days updating everything and still fine my workflow interrupted by constant and random crashes. Approx 8 already today and I have been attempting to work for about 2-3 hours. I will post crash log -
So far today I have had two crashes when attempting to disable tracks. Two crashed when attempting to open Analog Labs (all up-to-date) and at least one when attempting to insert a send plugin. All very standard tasks.
Believe my, returning to Cubase a few years ago from decades of Pro Tools use was like the scene in Wizard of Oz when it goes from sepia to colour. I have had nothing but good things to say about my experience with both Cubase and Steinberg support, but I have never has a DAW crash so much trouble with a DAW as with Cubase 14.
I am an experienced composer and producer, but I am not hugely into computer tech outside that so I would love nothing more than someone to be able to say “Change this” or “Update that” to fix this problem but I am out of ideas - not that any update/upgrade should ever present such challenges.
Thank you in advance for your help and advice.
I will post crash logs. If the format is wrong please let me know.