Android App for VST Live?

It is time for the annual reminder that there are many many people who use Android rather than iOS and want to join the VST Live app party.

Has anything changed in the last 12 months or are the powers that be still not interested in the slightest in providing a mobile solution for the 71.4%* of the world who use Android?

*Latest % share as Jun 2024.


@ibarch if you visit this forum regularly it will be clear to you it’s not about “be still not interested”…

I do see that but I live in hope. If we keep raising the subject, eventually someone may listen.

I own a small software development company and I understand better than most the challenges and costs of supporting multiple platforms. I don’t have big budgets or a large team and yet I still manage to support Android and iOS. I listen to my customers and I care about delivering a product that works for all. The bean counters point out that it costs me more than it makes. Yet I still do it. It is painful but I do it.

I may be wrong but it looks to me like the main application is written using a cross platform framework, that supports both MacOS and Windows. The non-standard Windows controls suggest that. Its good enough for the main app.

So why Steinberg don’t use a cross platform mobile framework is beyond me. There are no good technical reasons and haven’t been for years. Unfortunately for VST Live, it is too late. Someone (no doubt an iPhone / Mac user) made the choice to make it native iOS and here we are. Maybe if we make enough noise, someone there may think twice before repeating the same mistakes again. Maybe as the old codebase becomes obsolete (it happens faster than you would think on mobile), it will be replaced with a cross platform app. Otherwise, it may be time to go elsewhere.

Your frustration is understandable but the team have made it clear that there are technical reasons why Android is not supported and whilst I’m the coding game as well (but not musically) I accept their assessment.

Not sure what extend your developments have, but beeing an expert you should know that for a project of this size, despite it is based on a multi-platform framework, there is no such button “press me to spit out an Android version”.

We tried, but there are many obstacles beyond user interface, and even for that, we need to plan in a way that prioritzes stability and functionality of the main application, and balance resources.

Nevertheless we respond to user input much more than most of other developers. Maybe we should skip that in favour of Android development…just kidding, We want to be clear - as we did already - we will not develop an Android version of the VST Live Mods in the forseeable future. We would certainly do it if it was that simple.

Thanks for answering. I never for a moment suggested that an Android version would be easy. I know full well the complexities of working with audio and other low level services on mobile. For the record, working with audio on any platform, be it Mac, Windows or iOS is not easy either and I have a high regard for developers like yourself that have this in their skillset.

However, it absolutely is possible to deliver an Android version. We are not in 2010 anymore. The APIs, processing power and realtime subsytems exist and have done for a long time. It comes down to making a decision to support the platform and providing the necessary resources to do.

Again, this is not a comment aimed at the VST Live team. You are by far the most open and responsive dev team I’ve ever had the pleasure to correspond with on a public forum. I fully expect that resourcing is not something within your remit and your team can only work on the platforms it is currently geared up for. My comments for Steinberg as an organisation and its Product owners in particular. It is about time it recognised that two equally viable, vibrant, popular mobile platforms exist and put in the resources to deal with that. I, like many others continue to be disappointed at Steinberg’s deliberate snub to the Android user base and its refusal to recognise that it exists as an equal partner in every way to iOS. It is short sighted, damaging to the public reputation of the company and shows a blatant disregard for simple economics given that the market is bigger worldwide for Android.

So, to you, the programming team, keep doing what you are doing, we love you.

To Steinberg, get your fingers out your ears and open your eyes to the opportunities that Android provides. Put your fingers in your pockets and invest in an Android dev team than can start to put right the wrongs of the past. Stop denying the facts and start delivering your mobile apps on Android. No more excuses.


I think developing an android app with enough stability and functionalities may take time.
But, I believe it is possible for the developers to make an option to
Host a local webpage option.

  • just connect to the local network, open your browser and go to the page. All connected devices can show the lyrics easily.
  • For functionalities like metronome and other timed things:
    1. pre-load things
    1. determine ping and properly sync with the host

In my opinion, at least that would be a good starting point for android users as they will be able to see and sync.
I don’t use VST Live but I want to. Lack of android support is the reason. I am windows and android user.


Sure that’s possible too, but it takes time as well. But we’re considering that option.