Hi! Cubase 13 Pro on Windows 10. I keep getting this message when doing things seemingly unrelated to the message, such as adding bars using the “Process bars” menu from the tempo track, and gluing tracks back together after adding bars. I saw elsewhere that this can be avoided by selecting an option in the the key editor (I think), which I did, but can’t remember what it was, nor how to access it again. Anyway, that stopped me getting the message when I draw ramps in the key editor, but hasn’t stopped it in the situations described above. I should add that this project was begun in Cubase 9.5 and I’ve seen elsewhere in the forum that I can draw ramps on the tracks which were in the original project, but won’t be able to in new tracks. This doesn’t seem to be the case. I have to have the tracks set to “Any” because I’m using VST multis.
I have two questions about this message: why does it appear at irrelevant places, and why has this restriction about the type of midi setting you can’t draw curves and ramps on been introduced when so such restriction existed in Cubase 9.5?