I’m always happy to spend the $99 + tax as soon as I see a new Cubase Pro version is available, even if it’s just for a few new features. But I wish the guys at Steinberg some day realize that as you get old, your eyesight declines, and the cost of getting new prescription lenses every year has been going steadily up, at least in the US, but well, everybody knows how much healthcare sucks in this country. So I don’t know if that is the same in the rest of the world. But I assume a lot of Steinberg customers are US based.
But the fact is, any decent software for the past ten years or so has adopted UI scalability. Not just resizing the window to have more space, but also making text and graphical elements bigger or smaller. The best allow this freely, as in it will scale up as you click and drag the bottom right corner usually, and some do it in steps.
When I was watching the first of Dom Sigalas’ videos this morning when I got the glad surprise that Cubase 14 was released (to those in the US, at least one good thing happened this week, eh?) and not long into the video, he shows how the Shimmer plugin window can be resized. I said "Cool, maybe they finally brought HiDPI resizing to Cubase and all the Steinberg plugins.
So after downloading everything new and rebooting, I open Cubase Pro 14. I don’t see much that is new, but obviously it was reading the preferences from 13, so everything looks the same, no surprise there. But I think, I bet there’s a GUI zoom setting somewhere in the preferences, or in the menus. But no. So I start creating tracks with HALion Sonic, Retrologue, Padshop, Groove Agent, all of these VSTis that I barely use because they look tiny, or at least the text does.
But still no zoom for the tiny GUI in those, as we can see in this screenshot:
Retrologue is especially sad, because it’s full of cool sounds that I wish I could use, but take a look at the screenshot. This is 2560x1440 on a 32" monitor, and I’m like 3 feet away from it. And still all those knobs and text look tiny.
Now, somebody at Steinberg, please explain to me your order of priorities, because to me it seems upside down. Shimmer and Studio Delay, both great additions, have GUI zoom:
So I can make those as big as I want, which is great, but they just have a few faders and knobs, and some text. Honestly, I have no trouble reading it at the regular size. But you make this scalable, and HALion Sonic, Retrologue and the rest that could really use even a 125% scale to be able to read the large amount of text, no scaling.
I know Cubase is a lot more than just those, but the Cubase GUI itself has lots of areas with microscopic text that can barely be read. I need to use a lower resolution just to be able to use Cubase, when I could be using 2560x1440 all the time for everything else.
Does that make any sense to you? Am I alone in this? Does everybody have Superman vision?