Another Cubase version, still no real HiDPI

I completely agree with this. I also don’t have the best eyesight, which is why I am running 150% dpi on my Windows 10 PC, using a 1080p resolution. This is what my Cubase + Retrologue looks like. I am still on Cubase 13, by the way.

I really hope Steinberg fixes this in the future. I saw that even Diva VST from u-he has a resize GUI option, where you can define different percentages, so you can scale it exactly to the size that you wish. Would be awesome if Steinberg made this possible, as well.

I suggest making a separate topic and dedicating it as a feature request to solve this exact problem. Otherwise, this current topic will just die out with time and no one will care.

Or maybe post it as a feature request / wish in the “Cubase 15 Wishlist”, although I am against enabling Steinberg in this kind of behavior. What I mean is, there are a lot of basic but important things that need to be fixed inside Cubase. Things like: making menu colors, text font and text size more pleasant to look at and be able to resize GUI elements, etc. I don’t think it should be “features” that we have to pay for with each update they roll out. They can add as many fancy new features, VSTs and workflow improvements as they like and call them “features” for their new version of Cubase, that they charge money for. But basic necessary fixes that help us to SEE without getting headaches, should be free patches that fix current Cubase versions, in my humble opinion.

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