Any trick to omit a flow during playback?

Hello talented hackers! I had to create a duplicate flow for layout reasons in a multi movement piece, but now I have this duplicated flow in the middle of the piece which takes about 7 minutes to go through. It’s mostly just annoying, nut I thought I might ask around and see if somebody’s worked out a solution.

  • I’ve already tried suppressing all playback from the properties menu. The playback window is empty but still plays through.
  • I’ve tried using D.S. and To Coda to jump to the next movement, but only seems to work within the same flow? Is that right…?

As always, all suggestions are highly appreciated!

Hi Bollen, I’m not a talented hacker but I’ll have a go anyway :wink: I’m not sure exactly what you mean by “layout reasons” so I don’t know if this would break your layout, but the easiest thing I can think of would be to go to Setup mode and drag the duplicate flow out of the middle. You could put it at the very end, or at the very beginning and start playback from “Flow 2 but actually Movement I” …

There’s probably a better hack I’m unaware of, and perhaps someday there will be a checkbox for “skip this flow on playback” …

Could you make a separate layout called Playback and omit the flow from that layout? Drag that layout to the top of your layout list in setup and it will be the one that controls your audio export.

Hi Sam! I have a concerto that has a cadenza between the first and second movements, it has many tempo markings that were showing up in the other instruments and breaking the multirests. So I had to make a duplicate flow to give to the other instruments and remove all content so that they just get a Tacet al fine. The problem is that now Dorico plays back the whole movement despite being in Full Score where the extra flow is omitted. I don’t want to move it to the end because I fear I will forget and I’m working on a really tight deadline. I mostly use Playback as a navigation tool…

Hi Derrek, thank you for the advice. Unfortunately I use playback as a navigation and proof-reading tool since Dorico is such a mess with zoom and page positions. Making a playback flow defeats the purpose since I don’t want to have to keep track of changes in two different scores…

Oh, gotcha, saw that one in the other thread. That’s rough on a tight deadline. Unfortunately unless someone like Leo, Dan, Rob or Marc have some brilliant ideas, you might just have to live with it on this project.

I do exactly the same thing! I thought I was the only one. That’s definitely my #1 personal favorite Dorico workflow “hack”; I couldn’t live without it. It is strange that those quirks seem to affect some users far more than others (on my system, I can’t think of a single 30 second span where the quirk hasn’t occurred). I was even going to suggest it to others in one of the threads about this issue a long while back, but then life intervened and I got sidetracked.

Well, good luck with the project. Tight deadlines aren’t always fun, but having a commission which includes a performance by real-life human musicians certainly is! Hope you get a chance to record the premiere.


You aren’t making a playback flow; you are creating a new (“full Score style”) layout that you can use for audio export. You asked about not playing back a flow in the middle of your piece. Omitting it from a layout is a way to do it. This has nothing to do with creating another flow; you just uncheck the superfluous flow from one layout.You can always recheck the omitted layout and uncheck its alternate if you want to hear that version.

Ah right I misunderstood. But that is already the case. The offending flow only belongs to the Piano layout, other instruments including the full score do not contain this flow, but it still “plays back”. So it’s not showing and the playback line just disappears…

Audio export (to WAV) uses the topmost layout in the Setup list (on the right side). One can drag layouts to that position.

Dear Derrek I’m afraid we are not understanding each other. I am not talking about exporting the audio (which I know I can just omit the flow from the list), I am talking about an extra flow, which is not included in any layout but the piano. Creating a new Full Score Layout without the offending flow is just identical to the Full Score layout I already have.

The project contains 2 instruments, trumpet and piano
The structure/project contains 5 flows:

Flow 1     Flow 2                         Flow 3                   Flow 4    Flow 5
1st Mov > Cadenza > (Cadenza without the trumpet for piano part) > 2nd Mov > 3rd Mov.

The full score and the trumpet layout contain:

 Flow 1     Flow 2   Flow 4     Flow5
 1st Mov > Cadenza > 2nd Mov > 3rd Mov.

The piano layout contains:

Flow 1                  Flow 3             Flow 4    Flow 5
1st Mov > (Cadenza without the trumpet) > 2nd Mov > 3rd Mov.

Whether I play the trumpet, the full score or the piano they all play all five flows. I followed you instruction by the letter but the result is just a part that looks and plays just like the already existing Full Score…

There’s no way to remove a flow from the playback sequence, I’m afraid. It has to be there so that there is a single global timeline for the project, required to make it possible for the video engine to sync clips with multiple flows. I know you’re not using the video engine in this project, but that’s the reason why it has to work this way (at least for now).

I haven’t tested the ins and outs of this, but something like this might work:

  1. Move the real cadenza flow - the one with the tempo markings - to the end of the project.
  2. On the layouts where this flow is used, uncheck this flow from the Master Frame Chain.
  3. Add this flow back into those layouts in (a) Layout Frame(s) on the individual pages.
  4. Draw the tempo changes into the fake cadenza flow in Play mode.

Okay, Bollen, I see what you are attempting to do. I wish it were possible to use cues to add a duplicate Tpt. line for the pianist so you could leave out the Tpt cadenza without a separate flow, but I haven’t found a way to eliminate the rests under the cue notes, which spoils the effect even if cue notes were set to a larger size.

Oh that bit’s easy - I think there’s a global option, and if there isn’t (or that doesn’t suit) then it’s a case of making one rest explicit, then setting its Ends Voice property to “Immediately”, then colouring the one remaining rest white and scaling to 1%. I’m not quite following you, though, Derrek.

Leo (& Bolen):

This is a sketch of what I was thinking. The real Tpt. part could be copied, rather than cued, into the C Tpt. part used only for the pianist layout. What I have drawn as measures could be flows. Measure 1 is the Start, measure 2 the Cadenza, measure 3 the Finale. I hope I have not mistaken what Bollen wanted once again; but if it is helpful, so much the better. (678 KB)

Ah! That’s very interesting… So, since the mechanics of keeping flows in a common timeline exist, then why not add a Jump To command to the repeats (D.C., D.S., etc) window? This way we could just bypass a flow with a hidden instruction.

Dear Leo, nice thought, but that sounds really complicated and I haven’t delved into the Layout Frames yet. Saw a video a while ago and thought I’ll look it up again if ever need that feature. It’s a huge score and there’s an orchestral version that I’ll need to do afterwards and I can’t imagine doing all of that for every instrument…
The duplicate Flow trick worked really fast for the written score, I’ll just have to deal with the annoyance of having Dorico some times disappear into the hidden flow.

Yeah no… That’s not it… Too many issues with that technique: the piano part says trumpet, the pianist doesn’t need the trumpet part at all, this doesn’t solve the playback issue. Besides, how’s copying the trumpet into a new piano instrument going to solve the issue of the Tacet Al Fine… Or was that a different post…? Hmmmm…!

I would have thought that step 3 of my method would only affect the Trumpet part and the score. Shouldn’t take long at all.