Any way to make snap to events and similar functions recognise parts between the track divider?

So an example: I like to keep the video and marker track in the upper zone above the track divider. Problem is though that using something like snap to events (say you’re re-arranging some cues in an overview session) any events below the track divider only snap to other events below the track divider. So my markers and such are ignored.

So you need to drag those tracks down below temporarily to do this, then put them back, which seems a bit silly. Is there any preference or otherwise that can change this?

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I’m afraid this is not possible, sorry.

Hi Martin, thanks for the reply. Bummer, dragging tracks around it is then :smiley:

Strangely, when I move the event back and forth, it does snap onto the markers:

Snap Type is set to Events, marker track is above the divider, recorded track is below.

Cubase 13.0.41, Windows 10


Are you on Mac or Windows, please?

I tested this on Mac Cubase 13.0.41 and or didn’t work for me.

Cubase 12, Windows 10 here. Weird, this just does not work for me, and never has.

I’m just replying here to point out that this works for cycle markers, but it does NOT work for position markers (ie. they are not registered as events). I’d daresay that position markers are just as important, if not more so, when it comes to syncing stuff to picture, so that sucks.


I have checked this again. The Snap to Event works even in case of divided track list for both the Cycle Makrer and Position Marker on my side.

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Can you guys all check wether the snap to event with markers still works if the markers are selected? (Track divide allows for events in the upper area remain selected even if you select something in the lower area)

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Events snap on unselected markers but don’t snap on selected markers (C13.0.41 W10).
Chapeau @Johnny_Consento!

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Confirmed. Btw, it’s not related to the Marker events only. The same result is with any other selected Part/Event placed in the upper divided track list.

Reported to Steinberg. Thank you!

Please tell them to just get rid of the “double selection”. Nobody seems to need that. What would be the use case? It just causes problems and confusion.



What exactly do you mean by this, please?


There should not be two different selection schemes, one for each half of the list. There should only be one for the entire project.
In the GIF I am not using any modifier keys to “add to selection”.

Wholeheartedly agree. I find it unintuitive and an annoying source for mistakes.


Are you aware about the dotted frame, which informs you, which of the part is active?

Martin, please.

The divided track feature is just so peculiar. And, yes, the dotted line indicates which is active, but it’s not consistent.

For example, if you use the PLE to select a part in the non active portion of the divided track list, the indicator line doesn’t switch, and is actually shows the wrong meaning.

This feature must be useful in only a very limited number of use-cases, and also depends, imo, too much on the user keeping track of things to be useful.

Of course, pinning tracks would be lovely – it’s an antuque FR…

Can confirm here - it works if the event is not selected. If an event is selected/highlighted though, it does not work. I thought this was marker thing as it the most common type of track to have up there, but it goes for any type of event in the top section. This is a really weird implementation.
