Any way to save and recall recordings placed throughout the same bars on a single track?

Say I’ve recorded a MIDI line from bar 1-4 and want to record another version of the line also at bar 1-4. Right now I’m duplicating the track, muting the original, then deleting the duplicate recording, which is a hassle. It would be great having the option to switch between different MIDI recordings positioned throughout the same bars. Like hovering over the recorded part, and see the different versions and switch between them. Any option for this?

You can just mute the original MIDI part and record another one over it. Then, to compare between the two, you can show the lanes of the track and switch between the different parts with the mute tool (or the comping tool).
Another option could be to use track version, this would affect all parts on a track, though. Still, can be helpful in some situations to copy the current version to a new track version, make the changes you need, and then switch between the two track versions to compare. (track version were already in 10.5, iirc)

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Set up MIDI Record Modus →

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