Any way to shorten notes without moving following notes or creating rests in between?

Hello, is there a way to shorten notes with keeping them stuck together while not using insert mode which moves all following notes? I just want to make lots of 8th ostinatos into 16th ostinatos. Thanks for your help!

Without insert mode you get rests between the notes.

But you can use the System Track. Select the bar after the region you want to shorten in the system track and click on the :no_entry: symbol. Then enable insert mode and shorten the notes.

Have you already tried stop positions? Everything behind them is not affected by insert mode actions.

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Could you show us a before and after to see the transformation you want?

basically turning this

into this


You can achieve this in insert mode. Just set the stop position at bar 59, select all eighths notes and press 4 to turn them into 16th notes.

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