Any way to turn single samples mono in Groove Agent 5?

So i`ve got the full version of groove Agent and when im using a custom kit and want to

turn the kick for example from stereo to mono, how do i achieve that?

Can´´t find the option to turn a single pad mono…

In other drum/sampler vsts theres a button to change it to mono for each pad/sample.

I tend to record midi while playing and like to have it in one track, as i only use

kicks, snare and hihats anyway :wink:

Any suggestions?

Hi LoneRanger77,

yea, it’s a real good question. I have spend hours to find a way to copy or duplicate from a given stereo tom sample (which is only recorded at the right channel) into the empty left channel in GA 5 sample editor. Maybe it’s not possible - as here is nobody responding to that question. And I just like a bit more convinience, insted of recording the output of DA into a stereo audio lane and after that re-import it back into GA.

Well, if anyone has an idea, just let us know!


I will check. I don’t recall seeing a convert sample to mono button. But you should be able to render to mono in your given DAW. I dont use Cubase but FL.