Anyone else have elicenser issues - missing old cubase license

Has anyone else had problems upgrading with the Download Access Code method, where you find that the older version of Cubase is no longer on your elicenser?

I don’t understand it at all. I checked the elicenser to see which version of Cubase I had before buying the upgrade. It was 6.5. Now after buying the upgrade, 6.5 has vanished from the elicenser which only has “upgrade to Cubase 13 Pro from Cubase 11 Pro or older”. I didn’t realise that I was running on a temporary license until today - I learn I have 3 days left. When doing the download access code upgrade in Download Assistant, it opens elicenser control centre and says “no license to upgrade selectable”.

For some reason I have 2 elicensers but C6.5 is on neither. Both show my VSL license, one has the C13 upgrade, there is nothing in the soft elicenser.

Any advice/help please? In the middle of a project here, this is very frustrating. I do have the old Cubase 6 installer box with codes, not sure that is going to help.



Attach the screenshot from the eLCC (while both ISB-eLicensers are plugged in) in from the Steinberg Activation Manager, please.


I had a look and I can see, that there is a Cubase Pro 13 license in your MySteinberg account. So you updated the license successfully already.

Please, blur the USB-eLicenser Numbers and the Soft-eLicenser Number on your screenshot.

Are you able to start up and run Cubase 6.5?
Where is it telling you that you have 3 days left?

It seems to be working now - although I did nothing to change that.
@KT66 The warning popped up when I started up Cubase. The elicenser still has the messages in the attached image. 25hrs remaining? on what? and it isn’t decreasing either.

how do i move this license onto my computer instead of the usb dongle(s)?

@martin thanks for the blurring tip - I’ve just deleted the original image.


Cubase 13 doesn’t use USB-eLicenser. The licence is activated on the computer via the Steinberg Activation Manager.


The Cubase Pro 13 licence will be in Steinberg Activation Manager, not eLicenser Control Center. You can activate Steinberg Licensing licences on up to three computers.

The 25-hour All Applications licence will run almost all eLicenser software for 25 hours if you do not have another licence. It is there primarily for activation issues or if you have made a Zero Downtime claim. You can ignore it.

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Hi Guys,
I’ve recently decided to go back to Cubase.

My last version was 6.5. I no longer can find my dongle and the computer it was registered on is long gone. Will I be able to still buy an upgrade to Cubase 13?

I deactivated licenses on unavailable computers from my steinberg profile. It also shows the USB dongle info: Activation status:Product activated on 07/03/2012

Thanks for your time.

Hi and welcome to the forum,

You would need to get in contact with your local Steinberg support and ask for the replacement Activation Code for the lost USB-eLicenser. Then you will need to buy a new USB-eLicenserand activate your Cubase in it. Then you can use the update.

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Thanks Martin. Will contact them.

Edit: All sorted. Found dongle and was able to update fine. Thank you.

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