Anyone had any issues uninstalling Cubase 13 Pro after installing 14?

Hi there, everyone,

I am super happy with C14 Pro, so want to uninstall 13 (which I also was happy with). I always uninstall the previous version after updating to the newest. So, has anyone had any issues with C14 after uninstalling C13?

I am usually not wary about this, but C14 is performing beautifully on my old system, so I want to make doubly sure… :slight_smile:



Are you on Windows or Mac? On Mac there’s no uninstall procedure as you’re just removing the application so very unlikely to give problems.

I’ve never had an issue on Windows uninstalling previous versions but not tried with C13 to C14. But it’s worth mentioning which O/S you are running when asking such a question. :+1:

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Of course. I am on Win 10. I thought my system information was visible in my byline. I guess I am confusing this with Gearspace. Or I am just confused in general.



Hi Magnus,
you shouldn’t expect any issues uninstalling C13. However, my question…why? C13 only takes up very little space and it won’t interfere with C14…

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My system is old and the c drive ssd small, so every GB counts.

I see your point, though.

