"Apply" button disabled for some transposition intervals

I am attempting to transpose my score from G to Eb. In the “Transpose” dialog I have selected “from” as “G4” and “to” as “Eb4”, but the “Apply” button is grayed out. This seems to be the case for any flat selection (and some but not all sharp selections).

However, other selections are fine.

I am also prevented from using certain quality/interval combinations.

I have never encountered this before when attempting to transpose and I’ve done this a good amount.

What is happening here?

Hi @etelford I tried what you describe and see no problem, the apply is always available…
Does it happen in every project? Can you share an example project where this happens?

edit: in some combinations, the interval calculation with “Apply” seems to not be possible. I think it has to do with the present notes/keys signatures that you have, and the notes/keys signaturesthat eventually have to be reached that can be illogical or not existent…But I am struggling finding an example.

I’ll have to do some experimenting, but it seems odd that some transpositions wouldn’t be allowed.

As a workaround I transposed from G to F and then again from F to Eb and it worked fine.

I would like to know if the behavior in my first post is for some reason expected or not.

As I wrote, it depends from the notes that you have at the beginning. If you try on a new file starting with different notes, you will see that you can transpose from G to Eb, but in your particular music, it cannot calculate the interval.

Here an example with an augmented unison, depending on the beginning material/notes/key (?), Dorico let use the “Apply” button (in other words is able to calculate the interval) or not:

older examples

edit: clearer examples:

But I just noticed, that even if Apply is not active, Dorico transpose the music as requested. Just the intervals are not maintained (in the chord, a third will become an augmented second and so on, and other notes will be transposed using minor seconds instead of augmented unisons), and the key signature will not be transposed…

Here the result of my second example:

I read what you wrote, but I didn’t realize that was an official diagnosis. Is this behavior documented somewhere? Obviously there’s something preventing the transposition. Maybe Dorico doesn’t “like” to write Cb minor, but it doesn’t seem to have a problem with other unconventional chords after applying a transposition.

For example:

It seems off that in this scenario I can’t transpose down two whole steps from G to Eb, but I can transpose down 1 whole step twice (from G to F and F to Eb), which would likely result in the same transposition I was originally attempting. That seems like it would not be desired (or maybe even a bug).

This is nothing official, is just me trying to find an explanation. :slight_smile:

Cb minor would be the relative minor of Ebb major… :fearful:

It would be interesting to see your source material:
Can you send an example, 2 bars in Dorico file format, before transposing?

This usually happens if you have selected a large section (f.e. the whole flow) where there is somewhere a key signature change in one section.
To relate to your first example: is your complete selection in G Major?
Try not to transpose the whole flow/selection in one go, instead transpose each section separately.
Start with selecting the G Major section, do the transposition, then select the next part (supposedly the bit after the first key change) and transpose that bit.

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This is exactly my scenario. The song started in G and then changed keys to C and then to Db. It looks like Dorico could handle transposing the sections in G and C down a major third, but it couldn’t handle that if I also included the section in Db.

I did as you said and transposed the first 2 sections (in G and C) and then the third (in Db) separately.

That’s because dorico really thinks in Terms of Intervals rather than steps.

So transposing G to Eb is a major third, which works fine with C to Ab, but Db would result in Bbb, which as a key signatures doesn’t exist in dorico so it would prefer to put it into the key of A, which is a finished fourth.


It would really help if Dorico would tell the user why it’s not allowing these operations…

:wink: Dorico’s forum does inform the users, why these operations are not possible :person_gesturing_no:t3:

I agree. It’s the same kind of problem than wanting to make a two note tremolo with a dotted value. Everyone stumbles upon it, because… it’s computers and we expect them to do what we want. And when they don’t, we’d expect a little message/explanation, in order to solve it, and not rely upon the very good folks in here.