Apply Info Line MIDI Transpose and Velocity to Regions


This probably has been answered somewhere, but I can’t seem to find the answer. Wondering if there is a way to apply Info Line transpositions, velocity, etc. to the midi regions so the notes show up as they are sounding? I came from Logic and in Logic there was a normalize function the allowed you to select all regions and with a single key command you could ‘normalize’ the selected regions, which would apply any transpositions, velocity changes, etc. to the midi data in the regions.

Does Cubase have a function like this?

I my piece I have used the Info Line to quickly transpose regions and change note velocities. Now I need to send a MIDI file to an orchestrator and need that info “baked in” to midi. Is there an easy way to do this? I’m hoping I don’t have to go region by region and figure it all out.

Any help is much appreciated. Thank you.



Apply any MIDI Function or Logical Editor Preset to the selected MIDI Parts. The MIDI data of the MIDI Part are processed (changed).

Thanks for your reply. Sorry, I’m not understanding what you mean. Is there a Key Command that performs that function on a global basis, or are you suggesting that I need to go region by region and manually apply any transpositions, etc that I’ve created using the Info Line?



Top Menu Bar/Midi
Freeze Midi Modifiers

Thank you!

You’re welcome :slight_smile:


This is one way, if you have already used the MIDI Modifiers to transport (or modify) the MIDI events.

But you can use the MIDI > Functions directly. Just select the MIDI Part(s) and choose MIDI > Functions… or MIDI Logical Editor. Then the MIDI data in the MIDI Part are processed directly.

MIDI > Freeze MIDI Modifiers works great, except that it applies and then removes any Track Delay timing offsets that I have applied to each MIDI track in the Inspector area. So not only do the modifications made in the Info Line get incorporated, all non-destructive MIDI adjustments get “Frozen” into the MIDI data. The problem with that arises if I need to make any revisions in the future, after I have “Frozen” my MIDI data. Now all my MIDI Track Delay timing adjustments made in the Inspector are zeroed out and need to be re-entered so new quantized Parts will play back in sync.

I found another workaround that I want to share in case someone else is looking for options on this issue. I discovered that if I Glue several MIDI parts together that have different Info Line transpositions, velocity adjustments, etc., then the adjustments made in the Info Line are applied to the MIDI data in those glued Parts, but the MIDI Track Delay timings I added in the Inspector remain in tact, allowing me to add additional Parts and preserve the Track Delay timing setting I have made.

Hope that helps.


Interesting feature I didn’t know about. Thank you.