Archiving Projects - advanced stuff

Cubase has a Back Up Project function, and a Prepare Archive function to help reference everything correctly. However, I’m looking for some additional functionality. There would be 2 different kinds of archiving I’d like to do.

1 - Archive only used tracks. This would include groups and effects of course.

2 - Render all tracks as audio, and save an audio-only version of the project (again with groups and effects).

While visibility agents might help, none of the default ones seem to do what I’d want, especially with regard to groups and effects. Cubase would need to intelligently follow the signal chain (which it sort of can do). Is there any clever Logical Editor stuff out there that can help? Cheers.


  1. File > Export Selected Tracks will make a XML file.

  2. I would recommend to do a Batch Channel Export and enable “Create Project” in the window.

The problem with (1) is automating the process of finding the right tracks. As I mentioned, the visibility agents don’t seem to include the routed effects or groups.

I think this also applies to (2), but I’ll investigate further.