Arpeggiator with Retrologue?

Hi All,

Is there a way to “flexphrase” Retrologue?

Thanks Y’All


Have you checked out the MIDI insert called Arpache SX?

I see you have Halion 4. So alternatively to what Philskeys said you can rebuild your sound in Halion 4. It sounds the same as Retrologue + you have a whole load of extra stuff at your disposal, like the flexphraser.

Dear Niles,

Do you mean I can build the sound from scratch using the synth controls under the “Zone” tab of Halion 4?

Unlike, for example, Triebwerk or NeoSoulKeys (whose interfaces can reside within H4’s macro window) there seems no option to import saved presets of Retrologue into Halion 4. Am I right? :confused:


Yes, you can rebuild the exact same sound you’ll get from Retrologue, with Halion 4’s synth zone. It’s not possible to create a Macro page indeed.
Unfortunately it isn’t possible to exchange a patch from Retrologue directly, would be nice though :wink:

Dear Philskeys,

Thank you for this instant solution. I’ve never explored midi inserts. This does the job and I am now familiar with midi inserts.

Sincere thanks

The Parlanchin

Dear Niles,

Thanks for the great help. I have nnow re-familiarised myself with Halion 4s capabilities (through SWA Halion 4 in Depth tutorial which I already owned but had not completed!), especially the Synth Zone; and this has been a revelation.

Sincere Thanks

The Parlanchin :smiley: