Arturia Keylab MK2 Custom Midi Remote Script ( MKII )

Hi Brian! Nothing is impossible in such trivial cases :slight_smile:

Here’s however the issue: As you have obviously already seen, I have setup the second row of the display to Bars | BPM | Left Locator - Right Locator.
It’s a tiny display (just 16 chars available). Now, if we decide to offer the full MTC representation, we’re going to need 11 chars just for that. If we decide to drop the frames, we can live with 8 chars. This won’t leave enough space for BPM and locators.
I have no problem to add an option to display MTC but this will mean we will have to remove some things. If we remove the BPM we gain 3 chars. Not enough. We can however, remove the locators. If they are not useful to you, it won’t be a problem at all, let me know.

Now, concerning the popup, could you please post the same popup BUT after clicking the “Error Messages” tab? Have you updated to the latest version of the script by the way? If I remember correctly, it fixed an error while not Bars+Beats were set.