ASIO Driver Not Working Windows


I am using Cubase Pro 11 on Windows 10 and when I plug in my audio interface it doesn’t work, it doesn’t let me select the ASIO driver, only the WASAPI ones.

When I try to open the ASIO Generic Lower Latency Setup Driver this message shows up;

AsioGlld dll could not be loaded.

Any idea why this is happening? It has never happened to me before.

Any input would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

hi tene92 - welcome to the Steinberg forums

You probably need to provide more information if you need somebody to help.

What audio interface ?
How are you selecting the WASAPI drivers ?
Do you normally use the ASIO generic driver ?
Did this work recently - what changed ?
Is the interface plugged in BEFORE you start cubase ?

Hello Dr. Strangelove, thank you for replying.

What audio interface ? The audio interface is the Komplete Audio 6 MK I. All the drivers are up to date.

How are you selecting the WASAPI drivers ? In standalone Kontakt. The ASIO driver shows up but it doesn’t let me use it. I click on it and nothing happens.

Do you normally use the ASIO generic driver ? Yes.
Did this work recently - what changed ? It was working perfectly fine a couple of months ago. Today I plugged in the audio interface and it doesn’t work. The only noticeable things that have changed is I deleted the McAfee antivirus and I updated the BIOS on my HP laptop.

Is the interface plugged in BEFORE you start cubase ? Yes, as always.

So I’ve just been googling that interface

It seems that the Komplete Audio 6 Mk1 DOES have native ASIO drivers

can you take a look here to see if this helps ?

Hey Dr Strangelove,

So I reinstalled both Cubase 11 AND the drivers for Komplete Audio 6 and it looks like everything is working as it should now.

Thank you very much for your time, support and patience, I really appreciate it!

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no problem at all - and don’t hesitate to post back if you have any more problems… :+1: