Asio guards - Do's and Donts.

Greetings all,

Asio guard is great keeping the flow of music solid in Cubase 7.5. As some of you are or aren’t aware, you can specifically activate or deactivate each plugin to use this feature or not even if turned on in device setup.

*Note the checkbox at the end of each plugin list.

From everyone’s experience, do you all turn on all plugins available under normal conditions? Anyone find a problem with a specific vendor or plugin with asio guard on?

For me, I’ve always kept everything on and it seems to function really well. Thought this thread might help a few debugging specific VST’s with asio guard turned on.

Best regards,

I activate all ASIO-Guard-capable plugins. Very happy with the results.

How do you know if a plugin is ASIO-Guard-capable?


Well that´s easy to see, in case you ever putted any effort in looking into “plugin-information panel”.
In case the vst can NOT work with ASIO Guard there will be a NO or a NEIN for Germans in the clickable field.
But don´t mind -it took me 1/2 of waiting for ASIO peak load reducement thru the 7, 7.5 updates ,and after understanding the meaning of the column ASIO- G…
-was cut right here and not readable without using the mouse!!!- it took me just 5 minutes to drop he peak load by 60% . Now it is below (???) average load.
but this is not directly connected caused by reading single used threads and commenly used threads/cores. So spiking was gone with ASIO Guard activated/checked for all VSTs in the info window and enabling it in common vst settings.


Look at the very right of this plugins menu - You’ll see the checkbox.

Their will be two options. Either it will allow a “check mark” in the box on the very right or simply state “no”. You can check all vendors besides of course the ones that don’t have the option.


A few weeks back I had ASIO spikes and they went away when I turned ASIO Guard off… I didn’t really follow up with going through plugins to find out whether it was a plugin, not enough time.

Also, not sure why, it’s back on again now in my latest project! So I tested turning it off and the ave ASIO went up from 25% to 33% and the peak spiked more. In this case its definitely doing something beneficial.

Out of curiosity, I’d quite like a really good description of how it works, haven’t found one so far though.

Mind you, what I find most annoying is that the red peak light gets flipped on so darn regularly just with normal playing and stopping of the project that I barely even look at it cos its on all the time. This happens even with the newest and emptiest of projects which hardly register on the ASIO meter at all…


Out of curiosity, I’d quite like a really good description of how it works, haven’t found one so far though.

just checking out the AG2 issues while investigating C8 and found this description - they may have recently posted it:

Thanks, that’s a bit more explanation. I guess they have two buffer sizes, one which is the soundcard size and a bigger one for ASIO guard which is ultimately chopped down when sent to the soundcard.

I didn’t really understand why non-Real-time export could ever take longer than real-time… I suppose this really implies that NRTE doesn’t use the ASIO guard buffer so everything just goes to the smaller buffer and hence takes more processing time??

Also it brings home the point that Steinberg need to fix automation so its accuracy is not effected by latency! Especially when exporting. When I’m mixing complex projects I always use the biggest latency to get max ASIO power, its a necessity, and I’d rather my automation was sample accurate.


Fabfilter Pro Q 2 seems to cause some dropouts, but i do have 32 instances of it in my template. The drop outs totally go away when i deactivate it from AG

Thanks for this information I will bear this in mind.