Audio Driver options for WoA?

Went ahead and picked up a Surface Pro with the Snapdragon Elite processor and everything works a lot better than I expected. The only issue I’m having is with the audio drivers. Generic ASIO drivers don’t seem to work at all for whatever reason, but the Steinberg ASIO drivers do.

The problem with the Steinberg drivers is there doesn’t appear to be any way to adjust the buffer size, so if I open projects I started on my desktop that are quite large (150+ tracks), then the laptop struggles to process them due to the ASIO guard overloading.

Was wondering if anyone else has used other Audio/ASIO options on ARM machines or what other options might be worth trying?


Have you tried ASIO4ALL?

I read that it wouldn’t work on ARM, but haven’t actually tried it. I can give it a shot.

Edit: unfortunately that is significantly worse.


Worse on which sense?

What happens, if you click the Control Panel button while the Steinberg driver is in use?

Worse in the sense that not only is the playback not smooth, but there is constant static and high pitched noises, even without any playback. The Steinberg ASIO only suffers from not being able to playback due to the project being too large (it’s fine on new projects).

When I click the control panel, I get a popup that basically only shows the input and output options, but no sliders or anything to configure the audio buffer, or really anything else.

On my desktop atm so I can’t post a pic, but there’s really nothing on there of any use.

Ideally something that can run natively on ARM would be the best option, ASIO4ALL needs to run in emulation mode so I’m assuming that’s why it has issues.

Edit: This is from my desktop, but this is basically the same thing I see on the laptop when I click the control panel for the steinberg ASIO with the exception that obviously the audio devices are the ones on the Surface (qualcom something other device):

If you don’t have an external audio interface, use the generic Steinberg driver or Asio4All.

Audient, RME, and Steinberg have Arm64 drivers out for their USB Audio interfaces. Focusrite is coming soon. Our generic in-box ASIO driver for all USB Audio Class 2 devices will be in preview later this year.


If possible untick the Logitech mic input