Hello, I use cubase 12 pro and Vienna Ensemble pro 7.
When selecting a midi track that is routed to a different Vepro instance/instrument track, I get an audio drop-out. The audio cut for a second, like when loading a new vst.
As you can see in the video, the purple midi tracks are routed to a string instance inside Vepro
The green tracks are routed to a piano instance inside Vepro
The problem is solved by unchecking : “Enable Record on selected MIDI tracks” in preferences
But then I cannot record anymore… and If I want to record and I manually click on “record enable” of the selected track … back to the original issue → the audio get cut
If you Record Enable a track, the track switches to the “real-time” mode. No more ASIO-Guard. All the signal of the track has to be processed in the real-time.
Hello, I did some research on the forum and I am aware about the “why”
But surely there must be a solution. I need to be able to record durnig playback and improvise.
Why it doesn’t happen when selecting a midi track that has the same routing ?
Disabling asio guard ?
Changing audio interface ? What type of audio interface ?
I tried 512 buffer size instead of 128, I still get an audio cut although it’s shorter now
A decent audio interface with well written drivers does make a difference in that you can get lower latency at a higher buffer setting. Raw cpu power is the main factor as long as there are no other bottle necks.
Do you not have an audio interface at present? There are loads of interfaces up to and around that area. I have an RME Babyface pro fs which I research before buying. I haven’t really researched other interfaces now for about 2 years so I would have to do the ground work you could do. My interface is over double your budget so that is no good to you.