Audio Gridder use to solve poor Cubase performance

I just want to comment that I have experienced recently.
Last November I bought a new Mac Studio M2 Ultra as my main music machine. Currently I’m using Cubase 13 on it.
Recently I have been writing a piece using NI Lores - specifically a patch called The Merchant. I have three instances of this loaded for the piece (the reasons aren’t important really!).
I have been very frustrated with extreme performance loads, cracking and audio drop outs.
In frustration I decided to try the Audio Grinder solution suggested by SoapMak3r. I was reluctant to do so because Cubase/NI/MacStudio M2 should work by itself right?
Sadly it did work and really solved the problem!!!
Please - Steinberg - I have been a faithful Cubase user since the early 90s - can you please address this issue?
All the best,

You should add the tags “Cubase 13” and “issue” to your post, so that it is marked as such.

EDIT: I added the tags for you.

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yes it works!
Sadly Steinberg doesn´t seem to dimension the problem as every new upgrade needs more CPU.
I would prefer 0 new features but better performance…

That’s the way it goes, it is not just Steinberg, even plain Office stuff requires more resources with every release.

Btw. It is not necessarily the CPU that causes a bottleneck, there are many other pieces that will need upgrades. One of them is RAM, stuff that used to fit into memory five years ago, today needs at least double or even more of that. So you need to anaylze carefully where your bottleneck is.