Audio Mix Down Export In C6...

I exported a stereo mp3 mix down in C6 & the playback sounds both HORRIFIC & DISTURBING!!! It’s EXTREMELY distorted & crackling… It even sounds out of sequence & out of tune!!! If anyone could please help… Thanks!!!

Try a real time export just to see what happens.

@ J.L.

If I’m not mistaken, I believe the real time export was activated because the export took about 3-4 minutes!!!
But I’ll definitely check to see when i get to the studio…



If I’m not mistaken, I believe the real time export was activated because the export took about 3-4 minutes!!!

How long is your song then :wink:

But seriously…a non realtime export can take as long as realtime (even longer)if it’s a busy project.

Personally I would always export to wav & then encode to mp3.

@ Grim

Actually, the majority of the time thats exactly what I do… LOL!!! As I mentioned previously I’ll check if the real time option is activated…
