Audio Problem with Hi-Hat

I cannot hear the hi-hat sound in a simple drum set staff. What am I doing incorrectly? Thanks in advance for any suggestions. I appreciate the help.
Drum Kit (Basic).dorico (2.1 MB)
Dorico (1.3 MB)

Hi @JPayne,

I tried your file and the hi-hat seems to playback as expected. So not sure what is causing this on your system.
Does it happen on only this project, or on all projects? Did you change anything manually in Groove Agent? Did you try reapplying the Playback Template, or choosing another one (one without Groove Agent, for example, just to see what you can hear?

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It works fine on my system. But maybe an bit stupid answer do you not hear it or is it to soft? I find the hi-hat often to soft (maybe my old drummer ears) but there is an mixer in GASE so you can just set it louder.


Maarten: you are correct. I put on headphones and can very faintly hear the hi-hat. I downloaded the GASE User Manuel and will read up on how to increase the volume of the hi-hat. Thank you so very much for your help. I appreciate your time and assistance.



Christian: thanks for your input. As you can see my reply to Maarten, the problem is solved by both of you. Thanks, again, for your kindness and information.
