I’ve been having some issues with the audio randomly cutting out for a second with Cubase. I have searched the forums and the internet for a solution but have yet to find one that works for me, for example i have tried changing the buffer size various times, i have run LatencyMon with no problems on there, i have tried freezing or removing every plugin in the projects, I have re-installed Cubase, re-installed audio drivers and made sure everything is up to date. So i am baffled as to what i can do.
I have tried different DAW’s and they all work without any random audio cutouts, it is only with Cubase. And i have this issue with an older version of Cubase as well. So I need some suggestions on what to try next
There’s a video just replace the DOT with a . The audio itself in Cubase doesn’t seem to stop when it happen’s looking at the mixers, but still this only occurs in Cubase
Any help would be highly appreciated!
I tried turning off control room and it didn’t change it
And yes i did that a few times creating a new project with just one audio and it still happened
I am using version 12.0.70 of Cubase 14 Pro, but this happened also when i was using Cubase 12 Pro.
Operating system is Windows 11 Pro version 10.0.22631
There is one thing that i forgot to mention in the post that is probably quite important, is that this started happening after i stopped using ASIO4ALL and switched to the proper audio driver for my M-Track M-Audio 2x2, but it works perfectly fine in Reaper for example.
That definitely seems weird…
I would suggest uninstalling ASIO4ALL and your current audio driver completely, then re-install the M-Audio driver. I’ve had a weird issues once with my (otherwise ultra-robust) RME UCX, where each time I opened a project, I had to reset the audio engine before Cubase would play a sound. I un- and reinstalled the ASIO driver, suddenly everything worked flawlessly again.
If that doesn’t help, definitely try Start Cubase in Safe mode / Temporarily disable preferences if you haven’t already. Doesn’t help often, but sometimes resolves weird issues.
I just uninstalled ASIO4ALL and M Audio and then reinstalled M Audio and sadly nothing changed, I’m now in cubase safe mode and It’s still sadly happening. Although I’m starting to think this isn’t audio cutting out It’s Cubase itself kindoff lagging or freezing for a second, i tried running it as administrator and it happened but a lot less.
This is definitely a weird problem, I’ve used Cubase for year’s on this computer and never had this issue until recently
Did you install the latest driver for your Audiointerface? https://www.m-audio.com/support/legacy-downloads
Is it installed with administrator rights?
You mentioned C14 version .70 - you meant .10, right?
Well, what do you mean by “Cubase itself lagging or freezing”? Do you mean the user interface? That should not influence the playback, as it runs in its own thread. Do you mean the whole playback engine? That would be super weird, of course. but who knows. Also weird that it would happen less often as administrator…
TBH, I have no good idea, but I would still try completely removing Cubase’s preferences folders for a test, just to be sure. Go to"%APPDATA%\Steinberg" (paste that into the explorer address bar), then move all folders named “Cubase XX_64…” to your desktop. Next time Cubase starts, it will do so with completely new settings. After the test, you can move the folders back.