Audio Slices vs Events

Hi all
Sometimes when I divide a clean rhythmic audio recording into slices it automatically moves these slices to different locations ( like its applying a quantise). The slices then playback in a completely different rhythm. I have disabled auto quantise and snap when this happens and double checked the selected range.

However, If I do the same using process but select Events the new events are not moved and remained in their original position.
Can someone please explain why Slices get moved but not Events?

From the manual it appears that Audio slices is the method that Steinberg recommends but they obviously act differently and I’m guessing are good for certain situations and not others?

Also does anyone know of a good online resource somewhere which covers all the different forms of audio types in Cubase (Slices, Grooves, Events, Regions etc) and when to use each form?


Slices are portions of an audio event created from a rather rythmic record. Once created, they are editable in the audio part editor, which means that they basically behave as events. This is easily seeable if you use the Dissolve part command : all the slices then appear as independent events and can be edited as such in the sample editor.

I don’t know if what follows matches your inquiry, but FWIW, if the Musical time base is selected for the audio track, the slices are moved accordingly to any tempo change. If the Linear time base is selected, they don’t. The main difference between slices and events is that sliced audio events cannot be set with the musical mode attribute, so they remain with the same pitch and duration, no matter the tempo changes.

Now, about a precise online resource, I haven’t check, but I guess that there are some related in Youtube Cubase channel.