Audio tone under metronome click

Hi! First time poster here. I couldn’t find an answer to the following question.

Using Cubase 14’s metronome, I created an audio click track to accompany my keyboard track for a group recording. I chose “stick” for the metronome sound but there is also a kind of audio tone underneath it. I would be interested in finding and removing this audio tone from the click. Thank you!

UPDATE: The tone seems to disappear in the audio file that I create when mixing down the track. So maybe it’s a tone that plays during playback on Cubase?


Can you be more specific about this? The Metronome itself doesn’t use a Track, it just clicks along to the beat. So perhaps this Audio Track is the source of the sound.

I meant to say that I just activated the metronome during playback in Cubase. I selected the “stick” sound but also heard an audio tone underneath it.

What happens when

  1. You turn the Metronome off
  2. Leave it on but turn its volume all the way down

When I turn the metronome off, I don’t hear the tone. When I leave it on, and turn the volume down to zero, I don’t hear the tone.

I think I figured out the issue. It’s not an audio click, but a MIDI click that is playing a C3 tone. To disable the MIDI tone in the MIDI click settings in the metronome, do I just change MIDI output channel to “not connected”? Thanks!

Just turn midi click off if you use audio click.