Audio Waveform is so small no matter what

Hey there,

I’m using Cubase le ai 12 with my tascam 4x4 audio interface and everytime I try and record audio, the waveform is just so small no matter how high I put the gain on the interface. I actually can get something out of the respectable domain but I have to put the gain all the way in on the interface and lower everything else.

It’s like cubase processes the audio sound badly or idk…

It seems my friend has the same problem/solution at home so I’m guessing this isn’t uncommon… anyone would have any tips on how to make a better waveform?

Thanks in advance.

Don’t feel pressured into changing your gain settings because the waveforms look small. Instead, go for a good sound with proper levels, and then use the waveform zoom slider that is located on the right side of the project window.