Auto Align Post 2 - Bugs & Workarounds

I work with Auto Align Post 2 with the ARA extension.


  1. Sometimes when I activate AAP2 and set the “REF” track I get a little noise sound.

  2. When I want to use AAP2 I got to

  • select the tracks
  • got above and select “Extension: Auto Align Post”
    Why is there no KEy Command. This should be fast than using your mouse.

I don’t know about the noise, but sometimes, when you sync a ton of regions, then It can happen, that the timing gets corrupted. This can be fixed by deactivating the extension and reactivating and resyncing the regions. The worst thing about this error is, that you won’t get a warning. I noticed it by ear, so it would be nice to get some kind of error message, if this happens in the future.

Did you report this to SoundRadix and Steinberg?

I wouldn’t worry about the noise sound, I get it too and I think it’s just audio left in the buffer from a previous operation.

Not now. I will do.

But it surprises me, when I edit sound and listen at higher volume.

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