Auto record when I press play?


This has happened a couple of times now in C9…

I wonder if anybody knows how to correct it… :

sometimes, when I press play via transport, space bar or controller, cubase automatically toggles the record button…

anybody else have this?

thx n have a nice weekend=)

edit: the auto record starts only when i press play and the cursor is at the start of the timeline (

Maybe the Drop In function has got turned on?

what and where is the drop in function?

Punch in, I would guess.

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ah… thx…

no… it was a glitch… after restarting the project this morning, the glitch was gone…

its ok now… soooo… idk… whatevs:P

It happens to me in C10 now grrrr

This just happened to me in C10

EDIT: It just happened to me in C10. Somehow Punch in/out both got activated. I just deactivated them and all is well.

Hi all, realise this is an old thread, but hopefully this info will help someone else in future!

Same problem just happened to me - like one of the previous posters, I found out I’d enabled punch in and punch out without realising

It turns out that by default “activate punch in” and “activate punch out” are mapped to the keyboard shortcuts I and O. I must have pressed these by accident (this kind of thing happens quite often for me when I’m writing some text, e.g. editing a track name, but I’ve forgotten to double click on the text field and I end up accidentally pressing a bunch of random keyboard shortcuts!).

Since I don’t really use the punch features that often, I decided to remove the keyboard shortcuts so I don’t accidentally activate them again.

To do this, go to Edit > Key Commands, and look under Transport where you’ll find Activate Punch In and A.P. Out… click on each of them, and under the little “keys” box you’ll see a small trashcan icon - clicking on this will remove the keyboard shortcut.


Thanks joelrichardevans!

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“It turns out that by default “activate punch in” and “activate punch out” are mapped to the keyboard shortcuts I and O.”

Tha’s exactly it, thanks Joel.

Thank You !!

Very helpful (just happened to me too!). Thanks.

Tackar för tipset, har samma problem efter att jag gjorde en säkerhetskopia. Nu ska jag kolla och återställa :slight_smile:

does anyone know if there’s an option to disable recording when you start playback, but leave the auto-punch turned on?

if my auto-punch locators are on, pressing spacebar should let me listen back, without recording, and pressing * [record] starts playback and initiates recording as expected when the play-head is between auto-punch locators.

Hi there and welcome to the forums!

I think many would find it counterintuitive if pressing Record starts Playback rather than Recording.
Perhaps customizing this workflow by utilizing Macros could be and option? You could create a macro that enables Punch In and Punch Out and starts Playback for example. You can then bind this Macro to a Key Command of your choice.

hey, thanks, mlindeb! I realize I worded that poorly–what I meant is that I want recording (and by extension, playback) to happen only when I’ve pressed the Record button/shortcut. currently, if I have auto-punch turned on, pressing Play/spacebar will start recording, once it reaches the punch locator–this is counterintuitive to me (probably the same way as my confusing explanation was to you :sweat_smile:). hopefully I’m making more sense now…

the macro route does sound like a good avenue to explore if there isn’t an existing option for it–I’ll look into it…thanks!

I understood your logic the first time. The thing is, currently, pressing Play will start playback and pressing Record will start recording. To me, that is intuitive. If it would work the way you’re describing, pressing Record would start playback if Punch In is activated and there is no way of recording outside of the Punch In/Out region.

agreed–play (space bar) should play back.

record (*) should record.

the way it works now, I press play (space bar), and it records if I have auto punch turned on. not intuitive.

I shouldn’t have said ‘playback’ after I’d mentioned pressing record (*)–playback always happens when pressing record, so it’s implied–my saying so was redundant.

to your last point, yes, I agree–there should be no way of recording outside of the punch region, when auto-punch is turned on. pressing record should always initiate playback, but recording should never happen outside the confines of the punch region, in my view.

I came here with this problem, you can see if Punch In/Out are activated here:
