Automate metronome activation

Is it possible to automate metronome activation? When dealing with intro’s that are not in the songs tempo/signature (or don’t have rhythm at all) I want the metronome to start 1 or 2 bars before the song starts so we know when to start playing. A possible solution could be to be able to toggle the metronome per part.

Hi! Yepp, here!

So, can create MIDI command to do it, via a MIDI track :slight_smile:

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Thank you so much, that’s perfect!

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I actually got the metronome to listen to my midi track on Controller 102, but unfortunately it is very unstable. It doesn’t enable the metronome about half of the time, and sometimes when it disables the audio of the metronome seems to be glitching out causing a very loud static. I’m sad to say that this won’t be a solution.

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Will check!

I haven’t been able to verify yet, but my suspicion is that it happens when a flexloop loop ends at the same time when metronome is stopped.

So, I’ve found a way to reproduce it:

Now when the part 2 flexloop is entered, the metronome is correctly enabled, but when the flexloop is exited, the metronome is not stopped, but a couple counts later when there is another Midi CC 102 command it is.

Same behavior happens when trying to use automations to mute/unmute channels at the same time a flexloop ends.

Why should it?
Not quite sure how to follow. You say “FelxLoop Ends” but your flexloop is set to infinity, so how do you end it?
Then, there is no reason for the Metronome to stop unless set to do so - we don’t have midi tack data where presumably you have programmed something; we’d need to know what and especially, at which position.

There is no re-locate when flexloop ends. Maybe try to set your automation to one tick later, like 41.1.2 instead of 41.1.1?

Checked the code and tried everything to force it to reveal abug in that area, no chance. How do you do that?

I’ve had the same issues but I’m not using flexloops.

Everytime I set it to a new trigger it works a couple of times then doesn’t the next time. I’ve tried toggle, button and on/off modes using a controller. a program change and a note on.

In my case I assumed , as I usually do, that it was user error but if youre having the same problem perhaps not?

Both not reacting, and noise, or just one?
If you use the computer keyboard shortcut (default is “c”), does it also fail at times?

I guess there is something difficulty with Metronome’s audio track
…mentioned here a few times what if to have MUTE button for METRO mixer-trk… (would do un-necesarry to activate/deactivate METRO on the fly but I feel there is a strong reason it’s not implemented)

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You mean Channel (not “trk”) right? As there is no “Metronome Track” :slight_smile:

The function to (de-)activate Metronome is- as all “Actions and Shortcuts” actions are - triggered by a keyboard shortcut, or the programmed MIDI controller. Both lead to exactly the same function, hence my question reg. keyboard shortcut.

fkalmus is right, you might as well use the Metronome Channel Mute button, but it should work just as well with a MIDI control. Maybe your physical controller button “toggles” or “bounces”?

Oh sorry, just the not so much not reacting but intermittently reacting.

ouch - no such button, because there is already Metronome enable/disable, sorry.

Turn on the metronome, and when it is no longer needed, you can turn down the volume to 0 metronome in the mixer, automation track

yes, but not…
If you “hardcode” volume level at 0… that is repeated lots of times across your project and you need to drop or increase METRO volume at soundckeck…you’re screwed…
Automating a METRO on/off (or an arbitrary MUTE btn) is not harcoding the mix-volume of METRO… do you see what I mean?

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I was writing a response to quite some of the posts on here when I noticed something strange while testing, so I’m starting with that:

I first suspected flexloop was causing the issue, but it isn’t. I did not realise the shortcut L for exiting loops wasn’t just for exiting flexloops, but also for exiting cycles. Using this shortcut actually seems to be triggering the issue for me here. When I disable flexloop, enter a cycle and exit it using the L shortcut, metronome (de)activation is not instant. If I disable cycling using the transport button it actually is instant.

As for my responses to the previous posts:


Why should it?
Not quite sure how to follow. You say “FelxLoop Ends” but your flexloop is set to infinity, so how do you end it?

I’ve set the flexloop to infinity since we sometimes use this live to loop when other bandmembers are preparing effects or talking to the audience. To stop the loop I press L. Indeed when I don’t set the loop to infinity but to a set amount, the metronome is correctly disabled and/or enabled.

There is no re-locate when flexloop ends. Maybe try to set your automation to one tick later, like 41.1.2 instead of 41.1.1?

Even the automation on 3.2.1 doesn’t trigger it for me. In my example project the third automation disables the metronome, circled in the image below.

Checked the code and tried everything to force it to reveal abug in that area, no chance. How do you do that?

Strangely enough I couldn’t trigger the issue with the metronome action UI set to Toggle. I’ve set it to On/Off since Toggle doesn’t give me the functionality I want when controlling the metronome with MIDI.

I mentioned in a previous post that I also saw strange behavior when using automations to mute/unmute the a metronome group channel. I’ve added this example to the example project attached at the bottom of this post. Make sure to:

  • mute “MIDI Enable/Disable” when testing “Automation Mute/Unmute”
  • disable Read on the “Automation Mute/Unmute” channel when testing “MIDI Enable/Disable”

If you use the computer keyboard shortcut (default is “c”), does it also fail at times?

The keyboard shortcut to disable the metronome never fails for me.

Metronome bug (1).vlprj (218.1 KB)

Small update: I downloaded the new version 2.1.31 which was released today and saw flexloop and tempo changes being mentioned. I tested the metronome activation issue to check whether it has been affected by this update, but for me the issue remains the same.

… sorry, the last update did not update your problem.

… that’s just the project file. The media files are missing. Please load your project and use the “Menu / File / Save Archive…” function. Select an empty folder and create the archive. Finally zip the folder and drop it again here. And then give me a small update what I should check. Thank you.
