Automatic Double Barlines at rehearsal marks?

I’m searching the manual for this and have only found “automatic double barlines at key signature changes”.
I use double barlines to indicate different sections “Verse, Chorus, Bridge” etc.
Is there a way to automatically change the left barline to a double barline when I enter my custom “Rehearsal Sections” system text?

There is not a way to achieve this automatically, no. But with Shift-B, ||, Enter, it’s pretty fast.


I’m learning how “literal” Dorico is …
|: for start repeats
% for repeat measures
and now || for double barlines.

I’m overthinking it (Finale’s fault)


How do you get left side of staff double barlines?
I have some Berklee Press and Finale example jpegs.

I’m afraid at the moment there’s no way to begin a flow with a double barline. I’ve made a note of this, and perhaps we’ll be able to implement this in future.


Automatic Double Barlines feels like a checkbox that should exist. It’s often taught as a convention in contemporary arranging.

  1. Where is it often taught?
  2. Where should the double barlines automatically appear?
  3. Why should “contemporary arranging” override centuries of practice?


I was taught to use double bar lines at every rehearsal mark by a prominent jazz arranger here in Nashville. I’ve never assumed it was ‘the convention’, but it’s what I’ve typically seen in sessions here.

I’m imagining the double barlines automatically appearing on the first measures wherever any Rehearsal Mark being used.

Lastly, I don’t want to override centuries of practice. I just think it’d be a really simple functionality to implement, even granted how complicated designing and maintaing Dorico must be.

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My world is classical. It is not even a thing here. Rehearsal Marks are just placed at convenient places. Sometimes they are just surrogates for bar numbers.

This is what we typically see…

Most big band charts also follow this convention.

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One wonders why? What special thing does the double barline signify that the Rehearsal Mark does not?

I think it’s just a convention - maybe @FredGUnn knows something of the history!

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I dunno, I think it’s just convention too. Double barlines at cadence points are super helpful when sightreading on a gig, so if you miscount you can feel when the sections are. Rehearsal Marks most often just coincide I guess. I have a Stream Deck button that creates them both simultaneously.

I’m sorry to speak for the minority - but I think it might only be a convention in the jazz/lead sheet world.

Categorically it is not a convention in the classical world.

Yes, that’s correct. It’s a jazz thing.

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In Jazz and in Popular Music we use the double left barlines quite extensively to mark different sections of the form of the song. Most of the time it coincides with rehearsal marks. Maybe an option can be added to modify the left barlines individually.

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