Automation Doesn’t Always Follow Audio Events

Here are the steps to follow:

1 - Create an empty project.
2 - Add an Audio Track.
3 - Starting on measure 2, import/record at least 2 short Audio events, and leave a short gap between them.
4 - Draw automation (i.e. a sequence of squares/triangles for Volume) throughout the length of each Audio event.
5 - Go to “Edit > Automation Follows Events” to enable it.
6 - Set Snap setting to “Shuffle”.
7 - With all the Audio events selected, move the first one to the beginning of the project.

  • Expected results: Automation follows the Audio events.

  • Actual results: Automation doesn’t follow the Audio events.

The same results can be seen by replacing steps 6 and 7 with:

6 - Select Edit > Functions > Set Spacer between Selected Events
7 - Set the spacer to 3 seconds, for example, and click OK.

OS: Windows 11 (latest patch)
DAW: Cubase Pro 14 (latest update)

Thanks for your time!