Hi Martin,
Come to think of it, I have just installed HD Brickwall Limiter by TC Electronics, which comes with an external controller, but wasn’t using it at the time…
Hi Martin,
Come to think of it, I have just installed HD Brickwall Limiter by TC Electronics, which comes with an external controller, but wasn’t using it at the time…
wonderful, how many years did this bug exist and not even a CAN number is given ?
Unfortunately it’s note clearly reproducible.
How do you know this? I can see one.
Welcome new users to the locked automation club!
Please test to confirm if it only happens on the second session of the day (meaning, you open one session, close it without closing cubase, open a second session, then experience the bug.)
You should find that disabling and re-enabling the track temporarily clears the lockup, but you ultimately have to re-start Cubase to fix it.
ok I didnt see one, good to know that there is one. really annoying bug. mind sharing the can number again ? thnkas
I’m sorry, the CAN numbers are not a public informations. If you are a Beta tester, you can see it.
I can attest this bug is still present (and highly problematic / annoying as others have pointed out). Disabling the track has not been a solution for me when writing automation in group tracks, which seem to not respond to enable/disable commands as an instrument track would. I am forced to restart.
I have this bug also. It started happening I think a couple of years ago. Very annoying. A complete restart of Cubase will usually fix it though.
Still here. Disabling the track worked as a workaround.
WTF this is happening to me too. Automation stays red, have to disable track and enable. How many years has this been going on???
since the dawn of time…Steinberg refuses to sort this out
Still happening over here
Oh for goodness sake don’t tell me this is a 7 years old problem
Old as the mountains.
Deleting the Komplete Kontrol vst fixed it for me. Luckily I never used it anyway.
What do you mean? the Komplete Kontrol VSTi or the komplete kontrol app?
I’m suffering this one too, for ages. Am using the disable/enable a lot which is the only workaround worth anything. I often automate Group tracks though and occasionally the master fader, and reopening the session after doing that is a waste of my time.
I search for a fix online every now and then and can’t believe it’s still an issue frankly.
For what it’s worth, I just tried unplugging all my controllers and it still happens. I have a session with lots of disabled Kontakt instruments, and lots of enabled ones. All I can think of that I haven’t tried yet is uninstalling ipMidi, but I bet doing that won’t work. Depressing.
It’s an ancient Cubase bug.
When it happens, turn Cubase off, don’t save the file.
Usually a fresh copy of Cubase (for me at least) doesn’t do that.
It appears after a long time working on a session.