Automation - Initial Parameter Events

I’ve made an instrument for myself and since that time I got no problem with making automation default points for all tracks and all parameters I want at once) Lemur Interface for Nuendo

How do I get Nuendo to create initial paramter events for vst plugins? It only creates events for volume, pan, channel stip but not for the insert plugins?

Yes. Since you would have different insert plugins in different projects there could be no common defaults for theese tracks as I did for volume, pan, eq and sends. I was investigating this area, but not enough, so I couldn’t be sure I can do it as universal way of resetting ANY parameter of ANY plugin. My method is using general remote parameters and it’s all about it. If you’re talking about the one same plugin in same insert slot in all of your projects - in that case in theory it can be done with making specific generic remote just for you)

This in itself is a very good question I stumbled upon myself…
anyone have a solution?
I am not refering to the Lemur interface solution but the simple “Create Initial Parameters” command in the automation panel.